Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So my tiny turtles died, and now I have this sad empty fish tank with nothing in it but old dirty water and smelly pebbles, but instead of emptying the tank and leaving it in my garage or storage room to rot, I'm going to turn into my next project. I've been looking online and have decided to make it into an indoor terrarium, with carnivores plants. Hopefully it ends up looking pretty cool and my plants will grow and live long and prosperous lives.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blue Bearded Men

It's been so long since I've done a post that I almost forget how to go about it, but yesterday I purchased a beautiful new mac laptop and will now began to update my blog and make it into something interesting.
Winter brake is almost over and the thought of having to go back to school seems criminal. I've enjoyed this time off so much. My days have been spent sleeping into 1:00, lounging on the couch watching terrible horror films, hanging out with my best buds and occasionally working and housesitting for one of my book club members who left me in charge of 6 crazy poodles and one cat who I referred to as Michele when in fact he was a boy named Mitchell. Hopefully this next semester will fly by and I can go back to being lazy which I've come to think is my true self.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Moving On

I'm thinking about moving out of my mom's house, it seems like the right time. Now that my 20th birthday had rolled around and the winter semester is almost over it feels like good timing. The whole things seems kinda overwelming though, finding a cheap yet cute studio appartment, a better job that pays more and has more hours or a bucket of free money. The world seems so open now that I've realized I can go anywhere and do anything, I dont know this idea never hit me sooner. Well I just have to see how this all works out :/

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

At times lately I find myself holding my breath for no apparent reason. When walking up four flights of stares to get to class or when in the middle of a large group of people, I feel myself having to remember to just breath in and out.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby Turts

A week or so ago I bought 2 cute little baby turtles from a fleemarket where they were kept in a tiny little cage that was being shaken by a small Mexican child, and since I'm helpless to adorable tiny creatures I felt obligated to save their lives and give them a safer home. Little did I know that once I got them to their new home they would starve themselves for 2 whole weeks, but finally to my surprise they ate for the first time last night and I couldn't be more excited. Now that one of them has decided to live I've chosen to name him Louie.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Have You Seen My Baby?

While in French class today my teacher who mind my language is a Nazi bitch, was showing us a helpful and interesting website called Euronews.com where you can look up articles and video's about news that relevant to the world not just The United States and watch and read them in all sorts of different languages one of them being french. So when I was suppose to be doing my online math class I decided to look up this site and while I did I came across this cool interview with Moby that I quite enjoyed. Down below is a part of the interview where he talks about Obama's Heath care plan and what he thinks about Ameicans, all of it being pretty entertaining and informative. Thanks Mo

Euronews: “Are you surprised by the attacks against Obama’s health care plan?”

Moby: “Well, the attacks on Obama’s health care plan… it is almost like a surrealist farce. It is like an Ionesco play, you know the playwrite…it is an absurdist, dadaist farce, because people… I mean unfortunately, there is a long tradition of arrogance and ignorance and unequal measures in the United States. But the attacks on Obama’s health care plan are so ignorant and are funded by the health care industry. So my favourite story about the attacks on Obama’s health care plan in the United States is: a member of the House of Representatives was having a town hall meeting with a bunch of rightwing senior citizens, and he asked a simple question : “Who here is opposed to socialised medicine?” Everybody raised their hand. And now his next question: “Who here is on Medicaid and Medicare?” And everybody raised their hand. Medicare and Medicaid is socialised medicine. So, what I am surprised by is just how intense the attacks are on Obama and health care. What I am not surprised by is how ignorant Americans are, once again. Americans will never surprised me in their capacity to be angry and ignorant at the same time.”

Thursday, July 30, 2009


With school just right around the corner, I've been thinking of all of the new school supplies I need to get but the one thing that I cannot stop obsessing about is an attaché case. These briefcase like bags seem like such a classy and cool way to tote paper work and such for school .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Heres some more cool movies that are due out soon.

500 Days of Summer(with the lovely Zooey Deschanel)

New York, I Love You
Paper Heart

Thursday, July 23, 2009

You Can Dance If You Want To

I'm thinking about having a rave themed dance party. What's the verdict?